May 2018

In this issue:

Eternal Bowing

Eternal Bowing
Rev. Master Bennet Laraway

When doubt clouds the eyes of your heart…

Do some bows

When faith brightens the eyes of your heart…

Do some bows

When despair deafens the ears of your heart…

Do some bows

When hope is a bell in the ears of your heart…

Do some bows

When desire fouls the nose of your heart…

Do some bows

When equanimity wafts incense in the nose of your heart…

Do some bows

When grief pours ash in the mouth of your heart…

Do some bows

When ecstasy sings in the mouth of your heart…

Do some bows

When restlessness and worry cast down your heart

Do some bows

When spiritual joy transports your heart…

Do some bows

In the darkness of your heart…

Do some bows

In the Eternal light of your heart…

Do some bows